Price: $250
- We will pick up your placenta from your birth location or home, generally within 24 hours after birth
- The placenta will be prepared based on the Traditional Chinese Medicine technique which includes steaming with lemon, ginger, and jalapeno then dehydrated and encapsulated in size 0 vegetarian capsules
- You will receive approximately 100 – 140 capsules (depending on the size of your placenta) packaged in a glass jar
- One “Tree of Life” blood print on artist’s quality paper (additional prints available)
- When possible, we will prepare an umbilical cord keepsake (heart/spiral/etc.) in an organza bag
- Recommended storage and usage instruction pamphlet
- Delivery of the completed package to your home, generally within 3-5 days of pick-up
Add On: Full-Color Tree of Life prints created with food-safe ink $25ea

Why should I encapsulate & consume my placenta?
Nearly every mammal on earth consumes their placenta after giving birth and many human cultures around the world routinely do too! There are many reasons why – here are some of the most commonly reported benefits in humans:
- Increased energy and alertness
- Better overall mood
- Fewer instances of “baby blues”
- Feeling more balanced or centered
- Increased milk supply
The Encapsulation Process
We process placentas for encapsulation using a technique based on the Traditional Chinese Medicinal Method
- We start by gently prepping and steaming the placenta over a pot filled with lemon, jalapeno, and ginger
- The placenta is then sliced thinly and set to dehydrate for up to 24 hours
- Once it is fully dry, it is ground into a fine powder and filled into vegetarian capsules which are then stored in a glass jar
- The capsules are then taken by the birthing parent as needed
The placenta capsules really, really make a difference. I am surprised at how my mood has been evened out and energy has increased. And my breastmilk came in last night. I couldn’t be happier!
– Heather H.