Working as a Team...
We will be there to guide you through, help you feel heard, and support the decisions you make.
What Makes Our Team Different
Birthwork is heartwork and we all are called into it with a sincere desire to help families have better experiences. However, it is a challenging career path and statistically most doulas burn out and change careers after 2 to 3 years, in part because living life on call is hard. Having a team let’s us serve you better.
It’s true! Team collaboration allows us to pull from, and build on, each other’s experience and expertise. We can provide you with more services and wrap around care and are able to be on call for you as soon as you hire us with unlimited phone, text, and email support throughout your pregnancy. You can be sure that you will be well taken care of no matter which team member attends your birth.
With the combined experience and knowledge from over 300 births, our team will guide you through the unknown days leading up to, during and after birth.

Pregnancy is a time of joy, but also a time of unending questions, and often anxiety. It helps to have someone on your side to support you through the process without judgement.
Our team is well versed and welcoming of clients that are neurodiverse, single parent by choice, have high anxiety, and LGBTQIA2S+.
We have supported families choosing water births and inductions, through planned and unplanned cesareans and VBACs. Our clients have carried multiples, have had births with high risk circumstances, have used fertility, IUI, and IVF treatments.
We have supported families choosing TFMR and families experiencing loss.We believe that birth is a unique experience for everyone. You deserve compassionate, evidenced based support throughout your journey, regardless of where you plan to give birth, the type of delivery you have, your desire to use, or not use, pain medication, or the structure of your family unit. We will be there for you.
Working with the Team
We’ll start with a call to get to know each other. You’ll get to meet one or two doulas at this meeting and we’ll answer all your questions and discuss what doula support would look like for you.
Once you hire us, your birth team will meet via zoom or in person at least one to two times to go over expectations, build your birth preferences, and answer any questions you may have. We will also discuss how you plan to feed your baby, and spend time working through feeding difficulties that often occur.
At any time we are a text or a phone call away. We are happy to schedule as many zooms as you need to check in.
Our team prides itself on showing up when you ask. When your labor begins, we will be in contact through the day and night, giving you support that you need. When you’re ready for hands-on support, one of us will join you at your home, birthing center, or hospital. We’ll be by your side to guide you and your birth partner all the way through. Birth support looks different for every client, but often includes answering questions, suggestions for positions to help facilitate optimal fetal positioning, comfort measures such as massage, counter pressure, and relaxation, and more. We also support your partner to be the best support-person they can be, involving them in the process.
We are there for you both, from start to finish.

Support Continues After Birth
We’ll stay with you up to 2 hours after the birth of your little one. During this time we’ll go over what you can expect in the coming hours and days. We’ll also ensure feeding is going well and cover any questions you may have.
We’ll meet 1 to 2 more times in the following weeks to check up on you and your new baby providing support and guidance when you need it.
If you are struggling postpartum, one of our team members will be there. We have been known to show up for a late night parent relief when PPD is tough.
Our relationship doesn’t end…ever. Join our private Facebook community to stay in touch with us and connect with other local families. We are still always just a phone or text away to answer any questions you may have.
Additional Postpartum Support
For our birth clients only, Doula Cherish offers additional postpartum support. Many clients choose to use her services during the overnight hours so they can get good rest. This includes helping you learn to feed your baby, and supporting feeding challenges you may have. Cherish will bring the baby to you to feed, giving you the time in between to fully focus on yourself. She will also provide light housekeeping, light meal prep and lots of baby love. This is discounted when added at hire. Cherish does book-up, as time is limited. It can be every other night, twice a week, or a schedule built just for you.
We also our beginning to offer a Bringing Baby Home intensive support system. You can hire one of our doulas to provide intensive support within your first days home. This is 6 to 8 daytime hours to find a routine, have feeding support, get all around real life coaching in the moment. The goal of this program is to focus on being new parents and how to be a family and provide for this new one in your home.